Provide employees with some wellbeing with a corporate Yoga class.

Research shows yoga can be efficient at improving performance in the workplace.

  • Increase energy - Working 6-8 hours a day decreases blood Circulation is decreased during a 6-9 hour work day, Yoga increases blood flow and restores energy levels.

  • Increased creativity -

  • Improved posture - reduce stiffness and joint ache from long periods of sitting.

  • Reduces stress - yoga reduces the stress hormone cortisol and less stressed employees = happier staff.

  • Better immunity - a regular practice strengthens the immune system which means less sick days off.

  • Increased focus - meditation and Yoga can help staff to be more alert, productive and aids in concentration.

Available for one off events or regular classes.

Equipment is not provided to corporate classes.

A google form will be attached to your receipt, please try and answer the questions as fully as possible BEFORE scheduling your class.