Personalise your Yoga with a 60min 1-1 class tailored to your needs. Learn and improve techniques in the convenience and comfort of your own home. An excellent way to start your practice or to advance your knowledge.

Work toward a specific goal - you’ll have my full undivided attention and be able ask any questions throughout to expand your horizons or work around anything that may set you back in a group class like an injury or deepen your practice with meditations created for you.

Build a home practice - get familiar with flows that feel good in your body and establish a solid self care ritual in your life to relieve stress, and get in better physical shape.

Mix and match Yoga, Nidra and sound to create your own experience, get deep with optional hands on adjustments and really relax with a FREE savasana massage.

Invest in yourself or split the cost with up to 3 friends.

A google form will be attached to your receipt, this is your online consultation form. Please answer the questions as fully as possible BEFORE scheduling your class to allow an appropriate class to be planned.